About Us

BloomMKE, Inc.’s purpose is to promote community enrichment for residents of low-income housing and public housing in Milwaukee using community gardens as resources for engagement, education, and relationship building.

Our unique approach to community gardening supports more than 60 families and engages more than 100 youth each year. Our programs include:

  • Garden Clubs which combine a variety of personal development workshops with gardening and nutrition education activities.
  • Youth education programs that introduce local children to gardening basics and healthy eating habits.
  • Collaboration with local university students seeking research opportunities in urban studies, urban infrastructure, food justice, artistic ventures and service learning.
  • Little Free Library book drives.

We additionally provide consulting and volunteer assistance for other community gardens and organizations seeking to engage youth in gardens.

BloomMKE is a registered 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization, State of Wisconsin Nonprofit ID#: B093566